Thank you for your support!
We appreciate all gifts and do our best to be accurate. We apologize if there are errors or omissions.
Please contact us if corrections are required.
Monthly Donors
Vivienne R. Alper
Linda Atkins
Charmaine M. Baker
Allison Ball
Patty A. Barber
Fred N. Barnes
Joseph L. Bartolacci
Laura Bates
James Bayliss
Jean Van Benthem
Dr. Alyssa Boyd
Suzanne Brown
Jonathon Campbell
Linda Caron
Bruce Clarke
Elizabeth Court
Bryan Cunliffe
Rickey Darling
Carol Deffett
Paul R. Donnelly
Gary Doner
Renata Duda
Kathryn Durant
Jean C. Ferguson
Barbara Ferguson
Mark Fisher
Debra Maughan-Fowler
William M. Franks
Cory Garlough
Bob Harasowsky
International Genetics Ltd
Susan King
Beverley Lamont
Martha Lawrence
Maire Warrell-Lawson
Pam Loughead
Linda M. MacLeod
Cheryl McCalmont
Nida McMurchy
Mountain Ridge Custom Homes
Kathleen Murray
Elaine Neil
Angela Newham
Julie Leighton-Phelps
Fiorella Plastina
Carol Rath
Donna Schaffter
Gordon Sheppard
Helen Stewart
Sandra Sullivan
Robert A. Van Slyke
Henry Verstegen
Helen Waters
JoAnne Wright